How To Treat Dry Skin On Face

How To Treat Dry Skin On Face

Dry skin on the face is one of the problems that is quite annoying, because, in addition to causing a rough texture, it can also make the face look dull. The condition itself is generally caused by a lack of fluid or skin loss of moisture. To solve this problem, we can use special care products. But if you’re looking for other, more natural alternatives, you can use some of the ingredients below. In addition to its relatively affordable price, various natural ingredients are also more effective and safe on the face. Here are few remedies on how to treat dry skin on face.


how to treat dry skin on face


How To Treat Dry Skin On Face


Dry skin is very sensitive and prone to irritation. Dry skin is easily irritated by the surrounding environment due to the lack of proper moisture balance. To take care of dry skin, you just need to take note of replenishing moisture properly and avoid some situations that can cause irritation and peeling of the skin.

Specifically, you can refer to some simple methods below to cure dry skin and improve the skin texture.


Moisturize Dry Facial Skin using Honey

Honey is known as one of the natural ingredients that has a myriad of benefits, ranging from health benefits to beauty. Honey can maintain skin moisture as well as be able to brighten the skin. This sweet viscous liquid can also produce collagen so as to help tighten the skin.

Use honey as a mask to overcome dry skin. You only need to mix half a teaspoon of honey with a little rose water. After that apply on the dry area of the skin. Let it stand for 15 minutes, then rinse until clean using warm water.


Drinking water must for dry skin


It is necessary to drink an average of 2 litres of water per day to provide nutrients for the whole body. But many people do not fulfil the minimum requirement of water needed, let alone provide enough water for the skin.

You just need to make sure to consume at least 2 litres of pure water (or mineral water) per day which can help the skin get hydrated and prevent dry skin. Cases of skin allergies (be it cosmetic allergies, food or weather allergies) lead to dry skin even peeling, so there is a greater need to pay attention to sufficient water supply to your body in such cases.


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Provide moisture to the skin externally


The entire amount of water you provide through the gastrointestinal tract is not used to nourish the skin, but also to maintain the functioning of the body. To provide a large amount of water directly to dry skin, you can use other cosmetics externally.

Mineral spray is the fastest way to moisturize dry skin. Spraying directly in the form of mist helps the skin receive the most amount of water (including minerals good for dry skin) evenly and fully.

In addition, some cosmetics have moisturizing ingredients such as excessive moisturizing lock, humectants, emollients which can also help for effective dry skincare.


Use Aloe Vera to moisturize Dry Facial Skin

The next natural ingredient that can be used to overcome dry skin on face is aloe vera. This is because aloe vera has cooling, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that can repel dry and scaly skin quickly.

Using it is also very easy and simple. All you have to do is peel the skin of the aloe vera and take the gel part. After that apply on a dry face for about 15 minutes and rinse using clean water.


how to treat dry skin on face


Cucumbers are great to moisturize Dry Skin

Cucumbers are usually used as eye masks to remove dark circles. But apparently, cucumbers are also powerful for overcoming dry facial skin. This is because cucumbers have a high water content so it can moisturize dry skin with a refreshing effect.

Using it is also very easy. First peel the cucumber skin and cut it in slices. After that stick it all over the face and let it stand for about 15 minutes or until the water is completely absorbed on the face. Then, rinse with water until clean. Do this treatment regularly, as it can also brighten and tighten the skin.


Use Olive Oil To Overcome Dry Facial Skin

The first natural ingredient you can use to overcome dry skin problem is olive oil. This is due to the content in olive oil which is potent to overcome dry facial skin. That’s why olive oil is usually used as a natural mask and moisturizer.

In addition, olive oil is also useful in brightening the skin and lifting dead skin cells. To get the benefit, simply apply a few drops of olive oil to the face and do this treatment regularly at least twice a day. Or you can also apply it before every bath to keep your skin always moisturised.


Apply masks

a. Avocado Fruit Is Also Powerful To Overcome Dry Facial Skin Problems

Avocados have a soft texture and healthy natural fats which are apparently able to make the skin more supple and moist. That’s why avocados are powerful for overcoming dry and scaly skin. Interestingly, this fruit can also tighten the skin.

To overcome dry skin using avocado, you should use it as a mask. First puree the avocado fruit and mix well with the honey. Apply it directly to the face. Let the mask rest for approximately 15 minutes. When finished rinse until clean.


b. Papaya Can Help Moisturize Dry Skin

Papaya is known as a powerful fruit to overcome digestive problems. Behind it, this fruit is also great for taking care of dry skin. This efficacy is obtained from the content of vitamins A and C in it that are able to increase hydration on the skin so as to effectively moisturize the dry skin of the face.

Interestingly, vitamin C in papaya is also able to brighten the dull skin of the face. To get these benefits, all you have to do is smooth the papaya pulp and apply it to the whole face. Let stand for 10 to 15 minutes, then rinse with clean water.


how to treat dry skin on face


c. Bananas Can Help You Get Rid of Dry Skin

The next natural ingredient you can use to cope with dry skin is bananas. This is because bananas are rich in vitamins A, B and E which are good for moisturizing the skin. Even a study proves that bananas can also maintain skin elasticity.

Well, if you want to use it to cope with dry skin, you just have to smooth it out. To make it more effective, you can add yogurt. Mix to make a paste and then apply evenly on the face. Let it stand for 30 minutes before rinsing it with water until clean.


Choice of cleanser for dry skin


For cleansers with strong detergents, foaming is easy to remove the dirt that needs to be eliminated from the face. However, they also easily remove the necessary oily layer from skin. So after a period of usage, if you feel excessive skin tightening and skin getting drier, even peeling, you should review the composition level and look for other more suitable cleansers.


Limit the use of hot water on the skin


In dry areas of the skin, cells are more sensitive. If too hot water is used and for a longer time, it can make this condition more serious and lose the oily layer that protects the skin.

However, you can still bathe with warm water, but just limit each bath for less than 20 minutes.


Hopefully, if you follow the above remedies, your problem of dry skin on the face will get resolved soon:)


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