Skincare Hacks For Dry Skin In Winter

Skincare Hacks For Dry Skin In Winter

Winter is often marked by depleted, dry and dehydrated skin. It is the most beautiful time of the year! But not for your skin, for it this is the worst time of the year. For the skin there is no worse thing than the cold, the wicked winter wind, as well as all the other conditions that appear at this time of year. All these harsh winter conditions will destroy the skin and dry it. You can’t prevent all of this, but at least you can minimize the consequences with a few simple changes in routine. Here are some skincare hacks for dry skin in winter which you can try to combat it and keep it tender and beautiful.

Skincare Hacks For Dry Skin In Winter

Firstly, let us understand the cause of Dry skin –

Cause of Dry Skin

The fact that the skin is dry is often as a result of many factors, can be classified into 2 basic reasons: internal and external. Dry skin due to external factors is the most common and it is also easier to solve.

External factors include cold temperatures and low humidity, especially in winter when using air conditioning to warm up. Internal factors include overall health, age, genetics, family history and other diseases such as asthma, allergies and atopic dermatitis. Especially people with thyroid disease are prone to dry skin.

Some of the factors that cause dry skin include:

  • Cold temperatures
  • Low humidity
  • Excessive use of disinfectants and detergents (containing alcohol)
  • Too much use of soap
  • Chlorinated pool water when you go for swimming can also cause dry skin.
  • Dry skin may persist or worsen if too oily creams or improperly moisturizer is used.
  • Material of clothing can also affect dry skin. Some materials such as wool or synthetic fibers tend to irritate the skin and aggravate dry skin.
  • Use of Hot water
  • Some oral medications can also cause dry skin conditions, such as medications for people with high blood pressure, cholesterol, allergies and acne.
  • Aging also makes people more susceptible to developing dry skin.
  • In addition: eczema, psoriasis, diabetes, hypothyroidism, malnutrition are also often accompanied by dry skin.

How to get rid of dry skin?

Whatever type of skin you have, some rules apply to everyone and if you make these little changes to your daily routine, your skin will be grateful.

 Skincare Hacks For Dry Skin In Winter

1. Hydration is essential, perhaps even the most important

Although this seems very logical and like something everyone knows, girls still don’t do it regularly. Emollients and Moisturizers should be your BFF in winter. This is one of the easiest ways to provide the skin with the best protection possible. If you usually have dry skin, look for oil-based creams, they’ll be a little greasier, so maybe not perfect for the day because you’ll shine, but when you’re at home, they’ll feed the skin well. Although the skin of the face is the first to get hurt in winter time, it is also recommended that you spread the whole body with lotion immediately after showering. When buying cream, you can buy night creams that claim more nutrition, in the winter you can use them during the day for additional hydration.

2. Do not use hot water

A hot bath may sound perfect, especially in these cold months, but it’s not good for your skin. Too much of hot water takes natural oils off your skin and leaves it even more dry. You should also let the water temperature be moderate or lukewarm.

3. Shave less often

Shaving legs is not a favorite activity for girls, everyone would like hairs not to grow, but there they are, and in winter it is recommended to reduce shaving to as minimum as possible. Frequent shaving damages the skin and dries it out even further. That doesn’t mean you won’t shave your legs all winter, just skip whenever you can.

4. Make use of lip scrubs

In addition to the skin of the face, it is essential that you keep an eye on your lips in winter. You don’t want to have rough and cracked lips which can hurt when you smile or speak.Using a lip balm will not only help to a sufficient extent but It will remove dead skin cells from your lips and make them smoother and nourished.

5. Do not remove make-up with wet wipes

Wet wipes are the easiest way to remove makeup, but not the best. Especially not in winter. If you use those that also contain alcohol, it’s time to stop using them, because these can do lot of damage to your skin. Instead of wipes, go for lotions or creamy products.

6. Protect the skin of the face from the cold

Wear a scarf, or a cap, or a jacket and all the other winter outfits. Don’t let the wind and cold get to your skin. It’s such a simple thing, and it’ll do you that much good. If you want to protect your skin even further, apply sunscreen on your way out. It sounds silly, but the winter sun can be as dangerous as the summer sun.

7. Change the face gel if you use one that reduces the appearance of pimples

Gels and creams that help fight acne and pimples further dry out the skin. Those who have otherwise dry skin, and use some of these products in winter, do themselves enormous damage. These products have aggressive ingredients, so it’s best to switch to some mild gels during the winter that will be gentler on your skin.

In addition –

>Do not use strong detergents

>Drink enough water

>Eat fresh fruits

>Do not take a shower for more than 15 minutes. After bathing remember to use moisturizer

>Wear pleasant, clean clothes. Although wool is of natural origin, it can irritate the skin so do not wear woollen clothes that come into direct contact with the skin

> Using a humidity producing machine

3 soothing oils to help you moisturize your skin

Apart from the above tips, you can try the below 3 soothing oils to help you moisturize your skin effectively without worrying about acne this dry season. These are very beneficial in winters to moisturize your skin.

The weather in winter is dry, the humidity of the air decreases, making the skin more susceptible to dryness, peeling, cracking. At this time, in addition to performing the usual skin care cycles, you also need more intensive products, but the simplest is the use of more skin care oil. Many ladies are often quite reluctant to use oil for fear that they will cause acne, but that can happen only when you don’t choose the right oil suitable for your skin type. Here are some mild, less irritating skin oils that you can refer to.

1. Argan Oil

Argan oil is a light, gentle oil with good absorption, almost suitable for all skin types. Argan oil also contains vitamin E, fatty acids and antioxidants. Therefore, in addition to the usual moisturizing ability, Argan oil also has the ability to soothe, restore the skin, blur acne and scars and prevent wrinkles.

The content of oleic acid and linoleic acid in Argan oil is also at a balanced level, so the ability to cause pimples or acne with this oil is very low. Whether it’s dry skin, oily skin, or acne skin, you can use argan oil.

2. Rosehip Oil

Rosehip oil is very famous and popular oil, it is also the beauty secret of many beauties such as Miranda Kerr, Victoria Beckham, Princess Kate Middleton. This oil contains high levels of omega 3, vitamin C, vitamin A so in addition to moisturizing ability, spring oil also has the ability to nourish and lighten the skin, blur dark spots and prevent wrinkles effectively. Rosehip oil can be used on dry skin, oily skin, acne prone skin or skin with marks.

3. Hemp Seed Oil

Hemp oil is also a very suitable oil for acne prone skin. It is deep moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and helps in acne reduction and soothing skin. Hemp oil contains up to 85% of fatty acids, antioxidants and many minerals necessary for the skin. In particular, the ratio of omega 3 and omega 6 in hemp oil is said to be the perfect ratio for the body, even better than fish oil. This oil is also highly stable, less oxidized and preserved longer than other nourishing oils.


Why does the skin get dry?

Dry skin is a result of a decrease in sebum and the changes in the hydrolipidic film present on the surface of the skin that cause it to be dehydrated.

How to treat dry skin?

The treatment of dry skin involves the daily application of emollient cream, at least once a day or even several times a day if necessary. It helps to create a protective barrier on the skin.

Why do I have pimples in winter?

In winter, when UV exposure tends to be low, the resulting bacterial and immune changes can increase the frequency of acne flare-ups.

Why is the leg skin very dry?

If the skin of your legs, feet and hands has cracks, small skins and even crevices, you are most likely plagued by parched skin. Dry skin is the result of dehydration and loss of sebum.

Does Hot water dry the skin?

We often think that bathing is like watering the skin, so it is good for dry skin, but in fact if the bath is too hot you will lose the natural oils of the skin! So there are two tips to keep in mind here: do not bathe too many times and do not take too long to bathe

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  1. Hello,
    Very good and informative blog for beauty tips.

  2. Haripriya says:

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