8 natural ingredients that can whiten facial skin

8 Natural Ingredients That Can Whiten Facial Skin

Natural beauty is more beautiful than beautifying yourself with products that may actually have a bad effect. There have been many who have had bad experiences because their skin is not compatible with certain products or cosmetics. That’s why choose the natural way because nature provides everything for us, including for the beauty of our faces.

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8 Natural Ingredients That Can Whiten Facial Skin

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Here are 8 natural ingredients that can whiten facial skin and make it look radiant –


Fresh milk is becoming a fashion for many girls to use: simple, easy to do, inexpensive, safe and effective immediately. You must have heard about the benefits of a milk bath before. But if the milk bath is too troublesome, just use milk to wash your face. Milk has many ingredients that can reduce dark spots on the face, and improve skin tone in a perfect way. Milk will remove dead skin cells on the face and make the face brighter.


Potatoes are rich in vitamin C – an important vitamin in slowing down the aging process, helping to whiten the skin. If you regularly apply potatoes as a mask, you do not need to worry about problems such as acne or dark pigmentation, but on the contrary, your skin will gradually become smoother, wrinkles are visibly reduced, along with that is the whitening of even dark skin areas such as dark circles.


Lemon is known for the properties contained in it in the form of vitamin C and has the ability to make the skin around the face tighter, and is able to provide smoothness to the skin and make it look more radiant. Just split the orange into 2 parts then squeeze the juice and apply it on the face then let it dry and after that wash it with warm water and follow it a few minutes later with cold water for the last wash.


If you are looking for an effective and safe way to whiten your skin, do try to whiten your skin with oatmeal and fresh milk. Oatmeal whitening bath helps your skin become whiter, smoother and more radiant. In addition, this whitening bath is quite inexpensive and safe for the skin..

Mix oatmeal with fresh milk until a paste is formed.

You should not let the mixture be too dry because when applied to the skin, it will be lumpy, if you add too much milk, the mixture will be diluted and flowing when applied.

You can use this for your body as well. After the first 3-4 baths, you will see brighter and cleaner skin.


Papaya contains the enzyme papain which is ideal for whitening the skin. Take one tablespoon of papaya that has been mashed. Apply all over the face and let it rest for 20 minutes, then rinse. Do this every day for best results.


Tomatoes are able to eliminate all kinds of skin issues ranging from blackheads, acne and various kinds of black spots, the vitamin content in it are great for the skin and is really able to make the skin healthier. Just blend it and apply the paste on the face and neck area. Let stand for 15 minutes and then wash off with water.


Chamomile flowers contain many ingredients that are beneficial for skin and aid in brightening it. It is also great for lightening dark circle. Dip a few chamomile tea bags in hot water, let it cool. Then, place it over the eyes. Do this for two weeks to get the best results.


Yogurt can actually provide moisture to your facial skin.

Mix 1 teaspoon yogurt,

1 teaspoon of honey,

1 teaspoon small chestnuts,

4-5 drops of lemon juice.

Mix all the ingredients together and apply on the face, relax for about 10 minutes. After that, wash your face with warm water.

This yogurt-based mask can smooth your facial skin and brighten it.

These were some tips for caring for the face to look more radiant. Do try these safer ways of taking care of healthy, glowing facial skin using natural ways.


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