5 Reasons You Have To Start Exfoliating Your Face

5 Reasons You Have To Start Exfoliating Your Face

Exfoliation is a great way to eliminate dead skin cells, revealing healthy, radiant skin. Exfoliating your face skin involves getting rid of dead skin cells out of the exterior layer of your skin by using an exfoliant. Here are 5 reasons you have to start exfoliating your face.

5 Reasons You Have To Start Exfoliating Your Face

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Exfoliation techniques are effective in helping eliminate dead skin cells as well as other skin-related pollutants. Exfoliant can be either physical or chemical. One method is to use tools for your skincare such a brush or  sponge towels used to rub your skin for the elimination of dead skin cells. The other method involves applying an abrasive ingredient to the skin, like sodium or sugar scrub. These sugar or salt-based scrubs can help to buff the skin and deliver instant results.

However, exfoliators could be harsh and coarse, which can cause tiny tears to the skin. In chemical exfoliation, the alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) and Beta radical Acids (BHAs) are utilized to dislodge the glue-like substance holding dead skin cells in situ so that they are removed easily.

Why Exfoliating Your Skin Is Necessary?

Your skin is constantly healing and also regenerating. This is the reason you could be left with a number of layers of dead skin cells on your body.  Although having glowing and radiant skin can be beneficial, exfoliation may help improve the appearance that your face.

If your face is constricted due to dead skin cells, products for skin care that you may want to use, may not penetrate your skin to perform their function at their full potential. Getting rid of the dead skin cells makes it simpler for the cosmetic products to get absorbed beneath the skin for them to work. If you are prone to acne, exfoliation of the skin can clear blocked pores that could cause breakouts. It can also help fade acne scars faster by speeding the process of shedding skin cells and boosting collagen production.

5 Reasons You Have To Start Exfoliating Your Face

1. Unclogs pores

The reason for exfoliating the skin is not to strip away its natural oils but just to remove the top layer of dead cells within the pores. Exfoliating your skin can reduce the texture of clogged pores and helps unblock them.  AHAs or Alpha-Hydroxy Acids (glycolic acid, malic acid, lactic acid, mandelic acid) and BHAs or Beta-Hydroxy Acids (Salicylic acid) are few of the well-known chemical exfoliants that aid in clearing pores. It can also be useful in treating hyperpigmentation, acne, and other skin issues that are common. It is recommended to use sunscreen after using chemical exfoliants since these products can cause the skin to be more sensitive to ultraviolet light.

2. Improved Absorption

Since Pore Minimizing Serum are clear and the skin’s surface is smoothed, and clear of dead or dry skin, other products can penetrate deeper. Exfoliation can help serums, moisturizers get absorbed better and get further into your skin. Dead skin is basically an obstruction between your skin and your serums. When you remove it, you let everything work better.

3. Prevents Acne

Chemical exfoliants for acne-prone skin can help reduce the number of bacteria and clear the skin’s surface while preserving the natural oils in the skin. This method gives better outcome than physical exfoliation that focuses on the kind of tool that is used to remove dead skin. The use of an exfoliating skin brush or other tools can lead to further irritation or redness in case of acne. If your pores are blocked, they tend to make them appear larger because they expand and fill up with dirt. Exfoliating those using AHAs and BHAs will allow them to appear normal, with an even, glowing skin complexion. Apart from the benefits of chemical exfoliation to clear pores, it also helps to smooth skin, reduce visible pores as well as fine lines that appear on the face.

 4. Evens out Skin Tone

A lot of skin imperfections could be due to old skin cells which haven’t shed, and exfoliation can help accelerate the process. It is recommended that you cleanse your skin at least every week with gentle exfoliation. Exfoliation will help your skin appear silky and smooth. Some skin types are too sensitive to manual exfoliation. This can cause the skin to be sensitive and red. If you’re experiencing this, you may want to consider chemical or enzyme exfoliation. Exfoliation using enzymes typically involves a serum, cream or mask.

It aids in the facilitation of reactions that dislodge the dead cells of skin. Chemical exfoliation function is similar to enzyme exfoliation i.e. separating dead skin cells to make them fall. Chemical exfoliation and enzymes are suggested for those suffering from acne.

5 Reasons You Have To Start Exfoliating Your Face

5. Increases Cell Turnover

To increase the rate of cell turnover manual and chemical exfoliation can be used; you can gently scrape away the top layer of skin dead cells, bringing new more plump cells to skin’s surface. Chemical exfoliation involves applying an acidic peel to get rid of old skin cells. There are many chemical peels like salicylic, glycolic and lactic acid peel that only penetrate the surface layer of your skin.


Although stimulating cell turnover via exfoliation may result in a healthier and a radiant complexion, excessive exfoliation of skin may cause sensitivities, redness and irritation. In general, you are able to apply chemical exfoliants once a week or every two weeks and manual exfoliants once every three to four days.

Author Biography:

Gobi is a Content Writer at Refresh Skin Science, He specializes in guest blogging, blog publishing, and social media marketing. He is an avid reader and loves writing impeccable content pertaining to digital marketing.

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1 Comment

  1. Haripriya says:

    Really very helpful post. Thanks for posting. Keep it up…

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