Sweet Almond Oil for Eyelash Growth

Sweet Almond Oil for Eyelash Growth

Not every girl can boast of the natural density of eyebrows and eyelashes. If your hair is sparse and thin, almond oil will also come to your aid. Sweet almond oil is an ideal way to moisturize your eyelashes and promote growth when applied regularly and correctly. In this article, we will tell you how to use Sweet Almond Oil for Eyelash Growth, what properties it has that helps grow your eyelashes and what benefits they bring.

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It is important to take care of your lashes, because it has a certain growth cycle and it is difficult to find something that will allow them to grow faster. On average, an eyelash needs several weeks to grow back, each eyelash has a life cycle of about six months before it falls naturally.

Sweet Almond oil is known as a rich source of vitamin E, fat, magnesium and calcium. This makes almond oil a very moisturizing substance. Almond oil is obtained from almond grains and is pale golden in color. Unrefined almond oil is produced by cold pressing: this method of processing retains more nutrients.

Composition and Properties

Almond oil is a versatile product that is successfully used for medical and cosmetic purposes. Its composition is only a storehouse of nutrients:

>monounsaturic oleic acid;
>polyunsed linoleic acid;
>vitamins E, B2, K, F;
>magnesium, sodium, iron, zinc and phosphorus.

In the cosmetic industry, almond extract is used in the creation of anti-aging and moisturizing agents, gels, soaps, shampoos, etc. The oil makes the skin soft and elastic, gives it shine and moisturizes. Due to its high vitamin content, the squeeze is ideal for the care of eyelashes and eyebrows: vitamins A and F improve hair growth, vitamin B2 has a firming effect.

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It is simple to use sweet almond oil for eyelash growth. After washing your face every night and removing all the eye makeup, dip a small eyelash brush in oil and carefully apply it to your eyelash. Be very careful that it does not go into your eyes. A few drops of oil should be enough for your eyelashes and eyelids. Do this every night for four weeks and you should see a significant difference in appearance and growth in your lashes.

Use pure Sweet Almond Oil for Eyelash Growth

In the eyelashes you should use only pure almond oil. Do not use any products with other ingredients mixed with almond oil. Almond oil is rich in vitamin E that helps to make long and curved eyelashes naturally.

You can get long, strong and thick lashes with almond oil, provided you use it correctly and regularly. The best time to apply almond oil to the eyelashes is at night before bedtime.

First of all, you should wash your face with soft soap and warm water. If you are using eye makeup, it needs to be carefully removed.  Thus, when applying almond oil, you can ensure that there is no remaining makeup in the eyelashes.

How to Use

There are many different ways to apply almond oil to eyelashes.

Use your fingers – You can take a few drops almond oil at the tip of your fingers and massage it properly with a gentle hand over the eye lash roots. Do not rub your fingers on the eyelashes, as it can cause the hair to break.

Use a brush – You can use an eyelash brush. Dip the brush in almond oil and comb the eyelash hair with it.

Use a ear bud – You can also use a ear bud for applying almond oil on the eyelash. Take a clean ear bud and dip the tip in almond oil, and when you move it along the eyelid, the eyelash is wedged with oil. When applying the oil you should pay attention that it should not drip even a single drop of oil into the eyes, as it can cause a lot of irritation. Let the oil sit on the lashes throughout the night. The next morning, take a black cloth and gently press it over the lashes and take away the oil residue.

Use a mascara – Use mascara to dip into almond oil and brush lightly on the lashes. Brush evenly from root to top for nutrients to penetrate evenly and deeper.

Apply this every night before sleep and rinse the next morning. Follow this routine daily for about 3 weeks to make long and curved eyelashes with almond oil . You will be surprised with your thick and charming long lashes.

Note :

Contact with the eyes can cause unpleasant feelings, irritation of the mucous membranes and swelling. If this happens, wash your eyes with warm water.

After treating with almond oil, you should not expect your eyelashes to grow instantly. According to the normal growth cycle of eyelashes, it takes about 6-8 weeks before you can see some growth from them. Even after your eyelashes are thick and grow for a long time, you should continue to use daily to to keep them healthy.

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