Hair Care Tips After 40

Hair Care Tips After 40

Healthy and shiny hair makes you look young and vital. Your hair is often one of the first things that gets noticed when you meet someone. To keep your hair healthy, you often have to put in extra effort, especially as you get older. The below – hair care tips after 40, can help you with that.

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Healthy scalp

A healthy scalp is important for healthy hair. An unhealthy scalp can cause dandruff, itching, flakes or visible irritations. As you get older, your scalp often produces less sebum or skin oil. That makes your scalp and hair drier.

Washing your hair too often can dry your hair more. Try to limit it to twice a week.

Occasionally use a serum or oil treatment for the scalp

Colouring your hair

Hair Care Tips After 40

Hair turns grey as you get older. You can choose to keep your hair grey or to dye it. A well-chosen hair colour can flatter your looks and make you look younger. Here are a few tips for your hair colour:

Whatever colour your hair is, having your hair in different shades makes your hair looks lively and gives it depth.

When you dye your hair, your hair often needs extra care to make sure it doesn’t get dry and stays shiny. A keratin treatment, for example, makes your hair smooth and frizz-free.

If you choose highlights, try to achieve the most natural effect possible. Choose a colour that looks like the sun has lit your hair. Place the highlights especially around your face, midway and bottom of your hair.

Thinning hair

As we get older, the hormone ratio in your body changes. This can lead to thinning hair and hair loss.

If you see that your hair is thinning at the parting, change your part.

A healthy lifestyle with a healthy diet with sufficient vitamins and minerals is important for healthy hair.

There are hair growth products (e.g. Minoxidil) that can prevent hair loss.

If you want a permanent solution for thinning hair, you can consider a hair transplant, and that also applies to women.

Get a Haircut

Choose a hairstyle that will bring out your strengths. Short haircuts show more parts of your face and neck. Slightly longer hair can camouflage wrinkles and aging skin more.

If you don’t take good care of your hair, the chance of split ends and damaged hair increases. Regular cutting is not an unnecessary luxury. It prevents your hair from getting thin and frizzy at the bottom.

Fortunately, there are no rules for the length of your hair and age. Choose a haircut in a length and style that suits you. More importantly, your hair looks healthy.

Styling your hair

The choice of your haircut determines the extent to which you should style your hair.

Try to air dry your hair as much as possible and limit the use of appliances that produce heat. Especially direct heat on your hair makes your hair dry and brittle.

Opt for the most natural hair style possible. But if you do go with blow drying, curling irons or straighteners, use a heat protection spray.

If possible, set the temperature of your hair dryer to a lower setting to prevent moisture loss and damage.

For extra shine, direct the airflow from the hair dryer downwards so that the air blows over your hair from top to bottom. This helps to close hair cuticles and that ensures shine.

Hair Care Tips After 40

How do you make grey hair shine again?

Gray hair is often stiffer and drier in texture. This makes it look a bit dull quickly. How do you make your grey hair shine again?

Choose a shampoo for dry hair

Preferably use colourless shampoo then you have no chance of dyes getting into your hair. Apply shampoo, focusing primarily on the scalp. Rinse it out and repeat.

By massaging your scalp well, you stimulate the sebaceous glands. Moreover, you wash your scalp and hair so well and no residues of styling products remain in your hair.

Use a conditioner that suits your hair

Again use a colourless conditioner that suits your hair type and texture. Use less conditioner if you have fine or thin hair. If you have thick hair that is a bit rough, use a generous amount of conditioner and leave the conditioner in for a longer time, say five minutes.

For very thick, stiff and very dry hair, you can also apply the conditioner twice.

Use a leave-in conditioner

A leave-in conditioner is definitely recommended if you have long hair. You can apply the conditioner as needed and you do not have to rinse it out.

A leave-in conditioner does not make your hair greasy but soft and supple.

Limit heat and styling

A haircut that you do not have to style is preferable. It doesn’t hurt to style your hair every now and then, of course. If you still want to blow-dry or style your hair regularly, use a device where you can regulate the temperature.

If possible, let your hair air dry before using your hair dryer, curling iron or flat iron. Set the temperature to medium or even better, low. This prevents your hair from burning, resulting in split ends and discoloration.

In addition to a leave-in conditioner, you also need to use a product that protects your hair from the heat.

Use a hair mask or hair serum

Hair Care Tips After 40

Treat your hair every week with a hair mask or serum to make it less dry and nourish and improve its condition. You can do that with ready-made products these days.

Oil your hair regularly

To give your hair extra shine, you should oil your hair regularly. This helps close your hair cuticles, making your hair smooth, soft and shiny.

You can use olive oil to prevent dryness and coconut oil to nourish hair and improve the texture.

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