turn grey hair into black

How can I turn my GREY hair into black permanently?

Grey hair is usually considered signs of ageing, so it is understandable that you want to get rid of it. Luckily, there are many things you can do to cover this, prevent them from coming out and even reverse the process. So, how can I turn my GREY hair into black permanently?
Well! Firstly we will try to understand the causes of Grey Hair.
Hair gets its natural colour from a pigment called melanin that is produced in the hair bulb. As one grows older, the amount of melanin produced in the hair bulb keeps decreasing, which leads to the natural process of greying.
The pigment melanin determines the colour of the hair. Melanin is produced by cells called melanocytes. The amount of melanin present in the hair follicles determines the darkness of the hair colouration. The hair begins to turn grey when the melanin production stops. This can be caused due to various factors. Grey hair treatment depends upon the cause of the problem.
The functioning of the melanocytes reduces gradually as people advance in age. This is the reason older individuals tend to experience greying of the hair. This is the natural process of ageing. However, the age at which an individual starts getting grey hair is determined by hereditary factors also. Individuals whose parents have experienced premature greying are likely to experience the condition themselves.
There may also be other factors involved such as stress, anxiety and chronic illness. Nutritional deficiencies may also be responsible for premature greying of the hair. Vitamin B12, iodine, copper and iron deficiencies are examples of these. Smoking, excessive consumption of alcohol, coffee and tea, vitiligo, consumption of oily and spicy foods, insufficient sleep, stress and anxiety, overconsumption of alcohol, tea and coffee, excessive intake of oily, sour and spicy food, anaemia, thyroid problems and prolonged illnesses like typhoid are other factors that contribute to greying of the hair.
Greying is also genetic in nature and often runs in the family. Regular use of hair colour and dyes and lack of proper hygiene may also cause greying.
How can I turn my GREY hair into black permanently?
Image source – Pixabay
What is the best treatment for GREY hair?

Treatment For Grey Hair

Treatment for grey hair must be done after analyzing the cause of the problem. In case of nutritional deficiencies or thyroid problems, medical treatment is essential. Many people use hair colouring or dyes to mask grey hairs. However, it is important to first determine the underlying cause of the condition. Besides, the use of chemical hair colour may aggravate the problem. It can cause the hair to become brittle and dry.
Though it is difficult to stop the greying process completely, the rate at which hair turns grey can be arrested by following a few simple home remedies.
Home Remedies to Stop Grey Hair
One of the easiest ways of countering greying is to make liberal use of curry leaves as a condiment in cooked food. You may also crush a few fresh curry leaves and add the juice into a glass of buttermilk and drink it every morning to prevent greying of hair. Also, every morning crush a small piece of ginger and add it to a tablespoon of honey and eat this mixture. This helps prevent greying. Boil them in coconut oil and apply to the scalp.
Another effective natural treatment for grey hair involves the use of Indian gooseberry. Boil some pieces of dried Indian gooseberry in coconut oil and then massage into the scalp and hair. Application of a paste of Indian gooseberry on the scalp is also known to be effective in preventing premature greying of hair.
You can also add a few drops of lemon juice to coconut oil and massage into the scalp daily. This grey hair treatment is easy to use and does not require much effort.
Another popular grey hair treatment is ribbed gourd. Soak some pieces of dried ribbed gourd in coconut oil for three days and after boiling them, massage the oil into the scalp. This constitutes an effective premature grey hair treatment.
Another useful remedy is to add a pinch of common salt into a cup of strong black tea and massage your scalp with this. After about an hour wash your hair with water.
You could also apply butter made from cow milk on your scalp twice every week in order to treat greying hair.

Foods to prevent grey hair

Maintaining a healthy and balanced diet plays an extremely important role in the health of your hair. The way to avoid grey hair is to ensure that your body gets all the vitamins and beneficial nutrients to avoid it. Make sure you eat lots of lean proteins (hair is made of proteins), fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. More specifically, you should consume enough vitamin B12 and zinc If you don’t think you are getting the right amount of course. Also make sure you have enough vitamins A, C and E, as well as minerals such as copper, iron and folic acid. Biotin (sometimes called Vitamin H) is another important vitamin that keeps your hair healthy and with a natural colour. These vitamins are found in foods such as cucumbers, oats and almonds.

How to Avoid Grey hair?


Stay away products from poor quality hair. Poor quality hair products are full of chemicals such as sulphate, phosphate, chlorine and ammonia. Dry hair allows the roots to weaken and makes you more prone to the appearance of grey hair. Therefore, you should limit yourself to the use of hair products that, if possible, contain natural ingredients.

Get regular massages on the head. Massages help to stimulate blood flow to the scalp, which keeps your hair healthy. If possible, massage the scalp with natural oils such as almond or coconut, since it helps to moisturize the hair roots deeply.

Stop smoking. According to one study, smokers are four times more likely to have grey hair than non-smokers. Smoking makes the hair also dry and brittle, and is more likely to fall.
Accept your grey hair instead of trying to cover them or get rid of them, consider accepting them. As long as you cared for them well, grey hairs can look very elegant. You will also save a lot of time and money. Keep a modern outlook. Many women (and men) associate grey hair with age, but it’s often because their hairstyles are old. Try a fresh and modern cut which is made by a professional stylist (such as a sharp hairstyle or cut). This will help to maintain the youthful appearance of your face.

Keep the smooth appearance of your hair. White and grey hair tends to dry out and curl up, which can make you look older. Keep your hair smooth and hydrated with oil-based treatments (like argan-and coconut oil massage) and using mild shampoo and conditioners.

What Causes Grey Hair and Tips to Stop Greying of Hair

Understand the origins of grey hair

Keep in mind that grey hair is mainly due to genetics. While most people are usually associated with grey hair, there is no specific age for greying of hair. Some people discover their first grey hair in their adolescence, while others do not have them until they reach the middle age.
Since the presence of grey hair is mainly due to genetics, if your parents have had them at a young age, it is more likely that you have it too. Race also plays an important role. The majority of the white people start them at the age of 35, the Asians at the age of 40 and the Africans in the mid-40’s.
Tips :
Try to place natural oils on your hair every week and wash it then. This will make your hair healthy and obviously strong.
Eat a healthy diet for your hair.
Henna is better and healthier than hair dyes because it comes from a plant and makes your hair healthier, brighter and gives more volume.
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Be happy with yourself! Hair is not everything in life, you have your family and your friends who will like you, no matter what!
If you’re not sure how to colour your hair yourself, go to a beauty salon and leave it to the specialists.. If you choose to paint your hair, choose a natural hair which fits your skin and your style.
If you take a shower, try to use the conditioner after shampoo, because it will keep your hair shining and healthy, as well as the damage is reduced caused by hair colour.

Don’t tear down or pluck your grey hair because it will make things worse! They grow out again and this time it will be two! Don’t get depressed, there is always a solution to all the problems.


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